
Top 10 Items to Bring When Mountain Biking

When it comes to outdoor activities it’s always best to be prepared for any situation that you may run into. And this definitely applies to mountain biking. If you are just riding a local trail for a couple of miles you may be ok with the basics such as water and a spare tube but for those of us who like to put on the miles in remote locations, its essential to be well prepared.

Being prepared doesn’t just mean having bike parts such as a tube and a pump but it also means having things to fix yourself as well as get your out of dangerous situations. You always hear those news stories about hikers getting lost in the woods and not having the right equipment with them to survive on so you don’t want that happening to you.

You need to prepare yourself for going out on the trails so you are ready for just about anything. You should always have the essentials but if you are planning on going out farther away from civilization and other people then you should be sure to take those extra items you may need in case of an emergency. Having the right items will help keep your bike going as well as yourself in case you breakdown.
Here are our top 10 items to bring with you on your mountain bike rides:
  • Extra tube
  • Pump
  • Spare chain link
  • Derailleur hanger
  • Tools
  • Water
  • Food
  • First aid
  • Cell phone
  • GPS or map

There are only a few things that can go wrong with your bike that can leave you pushing it rather than riding it. For the most part you are not going to have any major malfunctions such as your pedals falling off or your fork breaking unless you have a bad crash. Most of the time you will just have to worry about getting a flat tire so be sure to have a spare tube or two as well as a decent hand pump. Or you can use a flat repair kit to patch the tube rather than replace it but that's a little more work. Another less common but totally possible bike repair you may have to do is to fix a broken chain. You will need to have an extra chain link as well as a chain tool to get this job done. Just make sure the link is for the right type of chain such as a Shimano or SRAM etc. If you ride rough terrain or do a lot of jumping you risk breaking your derailleur hanger which attaches the derailleur to the frame so it may be a good idea to keep an extra on in your bag as well. You should also have some various tools in your bag that you may need to do any kind of repairs such as allen wrenches, tire irons and maybe a screwdriver etc.

Bike Tools

As for taking care of yourself you need to bring certain items to keep yourself going and out of danger. Water is the most important item you should bring every time and remember that more is always better than less. If it's a hot day you definitely need to bring as much as you can and drink it on a regular basis. Some people like to put ice in their water to keep it colder throughout the day. Even though it's a good idea to eat something before your ride you should also bring food with you just in case you get hungry and to keep your energy level up. Bring things such as energy bars or nuts etc. that won't go bad or melt in your bag. Try and find items higher in protein and potassium to keep you going.

Bike Snacks

We all have accidents from time to time so bringing some first aid is also a good idea. Obviously it's going to be hard to bring an actual first aid kit with you but you can fit some band aids and maybe some antibiotic spray in your bag to take care of minor cuts and scrapes. It cant hurt to also bring a pair of tweezers to take care of things such as splinters or for removing ticks that can find their way on to your during warmer weather.

Finally it's always a good idea to keep your cell phone on you in case you or someone you are riding with have a bad accident or if you somehow get lost. You may not always get service on those far out rides but it's better to take a chance than to be stranded with no way to contact anyone. If you don't have a smartphone with a GPS then bringing a standalone GPS will come in handy if you get lost or even if you want to see where a trail you are on leads to.

Bike GPS

If you bring the right types of supplies with you and use common sense then you shouldn't have any problems while out on the trail unless of course you are jumping off cliffs then that's another story for another article! So check your bag before you head out next time and make sure you have everything you need to keep you and your bike in one piece and heading down the trail.


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